Monthly Archives: December 2017

Jesus Loves You More!

Recently I was thinking about the saying “I love you more.”  This is commonly said among those in a romantic relationship or parental and child relationship.  As I thought about it,  I was reminded that Jesus loves you more.  This love is greater than anything in our human mind could even begin to comprehend.  It is so great that Jesus laid down His own life for me and you so that we do not have to take the ultimate consequence for sin.  The ultimate consequence of sin is separation from God, our Creator, eternally.

The amazing thing about this love is that there is nothing we can do to change this love from God and Jesus!   “I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” – Romans 8:38-39

There are times that we do things that we may think we have messed up and God is not going to love me or forgive me or give me grace anymore.  This is where we are wrong!  And the fact that we are wrong is a beautiful thing.  God created us and as the Creator He has gigantic love for His creation.  A love that our human mind can only comprehend a fraction of.  Think of a time when you have created something.  You are proud of and love this creation that you made and the purpose that creation was created for.  This isn’t much that creation can do that would not cause you to love it.  Now take that love and pride that you have for your creation and multiple that by an infinite amount of times.  This is the love that God has for you!!

This is the simple gospel.  A Creator who loves us so much that He wants to show us this love in something as simple as having a relationship with Him.  As in any relationship the more time you spend with someone and get to know them, deeper the love you have for this person.  This is how it is with God.  We need to put aside the things that we think we need to gain His love.  And just get back to the basics of building a deeper relationship with our Creator.
